Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No books?

No books? No books indeed!
By freedom of thought and speech I plead!

Would you remove boy's awe at stars and moon?
Or squirming bugs and shadowed goons?

Would you banish a girl from doll play and dress-up time?
Or girlie flicks and princess' whine?

Would you block the dreams of young entrepreneur?
Or block the harvest of farmer's manure?

Poor indeed we are without books, with commerce blocked and food restricted,
With dreams destroyed and all delight afflicted.

I would sooner give you a spell against money, that all your delights become for naught,
Than give you a spell to block the author's plot

I would sooner give you a spell against Sun and Moon,
than become the source of the writer's boon.

No books? No books indeed!
By freedom of thought and speech to thee I plead!

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