Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Adventures

Ah, to illustrate how crazy I am. Next quarter I have the opportunity to do a free tax preparation thing called VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) for low income, elderly, and disabled taxpayers. I get school credit, and experience and it goes on my resume! But here's the kicker: I'm excited about it! Is it just me or does that seem crazy? Now, for those who read this No, I cannot help you with your taxes. As of right now, I have about 0 knowledge about tax law. Even afterward, still not qualified, maybe someday, but not today. Anyways, now that I got that disclaimer out of the way. I would have never thought I would be excited about doing taxes. But I figure once I get it done with, maybe it won't be as great as it seems now. Also, I'm getting to that point where I'm starting to look for internships and think more and more about my career, and that's getting exciting and scary. I still have a good two years left give or take, but hey, maybe less.


Nicole Shelby said...

Yep - you are one crazy man! Getting excited about what the rest of the country stresses out about? Sheesh! Numbers! (shudder)
I happily accept that my husband controls and handles all numbers-related stuff in our home.

Jodi Jean said...

ahhhh the tax season, when i worked for donnasue we shared an office with cpas and boy was it crazy around tax time. we'll see what you think about it after its over ... hehe.

i'm glad that you like numbers, because boy i sure don't!